Highlights of the month include:
- seeing a lot of short plays (ShortLived 3.0, San Francisco Stories, Best of PlayGround) and thereby being sufficiently inspired to say "YES, I can do this"
- writing two short plays of my own (knocking one of them out in a single day--today!), and feeling good about them both. A very big accomplishment, because I never used to feel comfortable with the short-play form, and now I enjoy it!
- hearing about a kind of last-minute opportunity for writing a full-length play, coming up with a good idea for it after about thirty minutes of intense concentration, and waking up at 6 AM to write up my proposal. While my idea didn't end up winning the commission, I like it so much that I may have to write this play anyway! And it is also good to know that I can generate ideas quickly, when I need to.
- a goodly amount of socializing, including drinking with theater people for the last three nights in a row. Friday, I hung out with the ShortLived crowd; Saturday was Playwrights Pub Night in my 'hood; and Sunday I had a glass of wine at the Best of PlayGround cast party. Made some new friends and had some people take an interest in my work...
- having my parents come visit, showing them some of my favorite places in San Francisco, and discovering that my parents are way cooler than I ever knew before (and not just because they lived in the Mission before it was hipster central!)
- making some excellent used-bookstore purchases
- generally speaking, being more straightforward, sane, goal-oriented, and honest with myself than I have ever been before, and having that work out really well for me
Congratulations for your great month. As they say "April is the cruellest of months" , is it a popular poem in english?
Why don´t you let us see some specimens of your work, we promise to keep cagey. If you do I will send you one of my poems (maybe that is not much of a motivation).
Good luck, Dr. J
Haha, yes, "April is the cruelest month" is a VERY famous line of English poetry! And it's true for me, too, because my job gets really busy in April. Fortunately it calms down in May.
If I get one of my plays produced, maybe I'll post a snippet of dialogue to entice people to come see it... we'll see.
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