Monday, January 1, 2018

El Fin de Marissabidilla

After 10.5 years, 767 published posts (and 49 draft posts that will never see the light of day), a lot of pretentiousness and perhaps some measure of wisdom... I think it's time to put marissabidilla to bed.

Don't worry, I don't plan to stop writing, and I'm not going to delete my old posts. But a Blogspot-blog with a punning name no longer feels like something I want to keep maintaining as part of my online presence.

It's obvious that my posting has really dropped off from when I first started the blog: as I enter my thirties, I'm less convinced that all of my thoughts should be made available for public consumption. In my earliest posts, I sense a kind of youthful narcissism, an assumption that everyone automatically would/should care about everything I had to say. I now shake my head at the folly of that.

But, as I said, I still have still some thoughts I want to share; and I still find that sometimes, sitting down at the computer and writing a few paragraphs is the best way for me to know my own mind.

So, in the future, here's where you can continue to find me:
  • -- I bought this domain last year and am in the process of building it into my new online home, including information about my plays and upcoming projects, links to my clippings/other writing, and a space for blogging. There are no blog posts up there at the moment, but I imagine eventually it will be home to the kind of (sporadic) content you saw over the last few years on marissabidilla.
  • @MarissaSkud on Twitter -- I joined Twitter several years ago and have found it very useful for posting quick jokes, comments, links, and other ephemera that (circa 2007-2010) I might have unnecessarily tried to build out into a longer blog post. It's a good place to keep up with me if you don't feel like bookmarking my new website. Follow me!
  • Marissa Skudlarek on Goodreads -- I've been an active Goodreads user for nearly five years: you may have noticed that I tended to cross-post my Goodreads reviews to this blog as well. I don't review everything I read, but if you enjoyed my bookish blog posts, Goodreads is a good way to keep up with that side of me.
  • @Marissa.Skudlarek on Medium -- I recently created a Medium profile in order to participate in a group-blogging project with some friends (we're going to try to visit and review every afternoon-tea service in the Bay Area). I don't currently plan to do other blog posts on Medium, but who knows, that could change.
And, y'know, I'm pretty sure I'm the only Marissa Skudlarek/MarissaSkud on Earth, so if you see that name or username on another site, it's probably me as well.

Be well; think great thoughts; do kind actions.

Happy 2018.