Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Introducing... "Pleiades"!

We are already in the thick of preparations for the 2011 S.F. Olympians Festival (coming in October) and the website is getting better every day, with a page devoted to each play and playwright in the upcoming festival.

Including my very own Pleiades!

Click on over for some background information on the myth of the seven sisters, some ideas about about how my play will reinterpret their story, plus my author bio and photo. And mark your calendars for October 22!


  1. Congratulations!
    I know is quite useless to ask the author why does she locates anything anywhere but, why the east coast? probably cos you were educated there but the story sounds quite deep south, you know the kind of Tennesse Williams and Capote things.
    By the way, how do you like Gilmore girls? I know it may sound funny for a 47 years-old foreigner man but I adore it

  2. Hmm, the NYC area was really the only place I considered locating the play. I don't have much personal experience of the Deep South and should probably leave it to genuinely Southern writers! And even though the South may be known for its debutantes and its rigid social structure, the East Coast has that too -- or at least, it did in the '70s. Instead of Williams and Capote, I'm thinking of A. R. Gurney and Whit Stillman -- people who write about the decline of the Northeastern WASP establishment over the last 40 or 50 years.

    "Gilmore Girls" was one of my favorite TV shows when I was in high school! Loved the dialogue and the two smart and savvy heroines!

  3. Just found a page about Pleyade teatro, an argentinian company.
    Find it searching Pleyade Teatro on google (it is in spanish of course). Argentina is a very interesting place for theater, plenty of actors, directors, decorators and so on work in Spain.
