Tuesday, August 3, 2010

"Anguish Is the Universal Language"

What's this? I actually liked a poem published by The New Yorker? And, furthermore, it's a love poem, that most clichéd of genres?

Yep. "Claustrophilia" by Alice Fulton, in the July 2 issue. Not only is there a lot of truth to it, it is memorable, quotable... and taught me some new words, too ("moxibustion").

See also the New Yorker blog's interview with Fulton about her work.


  1. Thank you for the link, only yesterday I was discussing in another blog if there is anyone writing poetry in spanish (my bet is no). Pity the quotation from Baudelaire "Mom semblable, mon..." is a bit too obvious.
    My preferred poet is E. Dickinson
    ...so, we must meet apart-you there-I-here-with just the Door ajar thar oceans are-and Prayer-and that White Sustenance-Despair.

    I was arguing too that M. Chabon is quite a popular author for young american generations (partly because of your posts) because a spanish novelist and critic said that he was kind of "leftout" for his phantastic and comic sources.

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