Monday, May 31, 2010

It's Been a Good Month

Yes, I've cut down on my blogging, but it's not due to being swamped with work, nor because I'm feeling depressed and uninspired. No, May was an excellent month for me, apart from the fact that I came down with a nasty cold that laid me low for about two weeks. I managed to accomplish a lot, and I should be able to announce some very good news within the next few days... watch this space!

Highlights of the month include:
  • seeing a lot of short plays (ShortLived 3.0, San Francisco Stories, Best of PlayGround) and thereby being sufficiently inspired to say "YES, I can do this"
  • writing two short plays of my own (knocking one of them out in a single day--today!), and feeling good about them both. A very big accomplishment, because I never used to feel comfortable with the short-play form, and now I enjoy it!
  • hearing about a kind of last-minute opportunity for writing a full-length play, coming up with a good idea for it after about thirty minutes of intense concentration, and waking up at 6 AM to write up my proposal. While my idea didn't end up winning the commission, I like it so much that I may have to write this play anyway! And it is also good to know that I can generate ideas quickly, when I need to.
  • a goodly amount of socializing, including drinking with theater people for the last three nights in a row. Friday, I hung out with the ShortLived crowd; Saturday was Playwrights Pub Night in my 'hood; and Sunday I had a glass of wine at the Best of PlayGround cast party. Made some new friends and had some people take an interest in my work...
  • having my parents come visit, showing them some of my favorite places in San Francisco, and discovering that my parents are way cooler than I ever knew before (and not just because they lived in the Mission before it was hipster central!)
  • making some excellent used-bookstore purchases
  • generally speaking, being more straightforward, sane, goal-oriented, and honest with myself than I have ever been before, and having that work out really well for me
For these and other reasons, May 2010 was a very, very good month. Onward to June!


  1. Congratulations for your great month. As they say "April is the cruellest of months" , is it a popular poem in english?
    Why don´t you let us see some specimens of your work, we promise to keep cagey. If you do I will send you one of my poems (maybe that is not much of a motivation).
    Good luck, Dr. J

  2. Haha, yes, "April is the cruelest month" is a VERY famous line of English poetry! And it's true for me, too, because my job gets really busy in April. Fortunately it calms down in May.

    If I get one of my plays produced, maybe I'll post a snippet of dialogue to entice people to come see it... we'll see.

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