Thursday, April 29, 2010

Laughs from Around the World

Working long hours this week and finding amusement in bizarre news articles from around the globe:
  • From Phnom Penh, Thailand: Five-Legged Pig Kills Gardener. "This is the year of the tiger, so why did the old man die of a pig bite?" (thanks to my friend Margi for the link)
  • From Montréal, Québec: Language Cops Nail Store for English-Only Sex Toy. "The April 19 ruling came after a failed six-year effort by the Office québécois de la langue française to get the store to stick French labels on Sleeve Super Stretch boxes."
And, much closer to home, and not a news article, and almost more painful than funny (because it is so incisively accurate): How to Move to San Francisco, by Elissa Bassist, writer and editor for the "Funny Women" column on The Rumpus. Seriously, has she been reading my mind for the last 20 months?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Yesterday I was surfing youtube and found Don´t eat the daisies with glorious Doris Day and perfect David Niven. Do you remember the scene when Niven´s character publishes the shortest review of a play: Last night Mr. so and so premiere Whatitsname at the XXX Theater: WHY? Maybe I am a bit mistaken but it was something of the kind. Dr.J

  3. I haven't seen that one... I am not much of a Doris Day fan I'm afraid!

  4. You should watch it and read the homonimous (is that the spelling?) book by Ms Jean Kerr (1957 or something) if ever plan to be a female married playwriter. trust me, I am much older (not wiser).
